PSHE Lesson on What makes us different?
The lesson is about being open-minded as a British Citizen
Links to British values on diversity willingness to gain new knowledge, to try new experiences and accept others.
Uses examples of the Equality Act and Protected Characteristics to promote fairness and equality
PSHE lesson on drinking energy drinks, suitable for key stage 3
Learning Objective: To understand the health risks linked with increased levels of sugar & caffeine.
SMSC/British Values: Individual liberty - making informed decisions.
Title: Love is Respect. What are my boundaries?
Explain the importance of setting boundaries to create healthy relationships.
Signs of healthy relationships
PSHE lesson on growing up and puberty.
SMSC/British Values: Sustain their self‐esteem in their learning experience.
Learning Objective: To describe the changes that happen to the body during puberty.
Lesson suitable for Year 7 or Year 8
Guidence from PSHE association and bold voices used to create this lesson.
To define the term toxic masculinity and understand why it is dangerous.
What makes a man masculine?
How does toxic masculinity link to gender stereotypes?
Is all masculinity bad?
Emotional literacy
Title: Emotional Literacy – Why is self awareness and sensitivity important?
SMSC/British Values: To listen and respond appropriately to the views and actions of others.
Learning Challenge: To demonstrate the behaviours of sensitivity and self awareness.
PSHE and Careers. Lesson part of form time and ‘About Me’
Suitable for KS4 or Sixth Form
Title: Behaviours at Work and Work Ethic
To explain what is motivation and the importance of employability skills.
PSHE Positive Relationships & Staying Safe
Learning Objective: To gain an understanding of what love is and the importance of respecting others.
SMSC/British Values: Mutual Respect and Spiritual: Foster emotional life and express their feelings, form, and maintain worthwhile and satisfying relationships.
What is Sexual Harassment?
Describe what constitutes stalking and harassment and explain its impact on the person.
What is defined as stalking
Consent and saying no
Key Stage 3 PSHE Lesson
Link to British Values: Explore the value and richness of cultural diversity in modern Britain.
How is Britain considered multicultural?
Immigration and multiculturalism in modern day Britain
To describe and explain what makes a cohesive community.
British Values: Explore the value and richness of cultural diversity in modern Britain.
What makes a good community?
What is a good citizen?
The importance of the Equality Act